22 August 2006

Yak Yak Yak

I have been relaxing, watching a movie, reading
Fred Reed on the internet, trying to find out what Sacolay/sacolais/sacalais is. It is Cajun and I am not certain of the spelling. It is food ... possibly fish / seafood ... I tend toward fish. Perhaps my cousin Dean can enlighten me. Anyway, I am in an odd mood ... this post will probably meander over a couple of days. That is my past style anyway. I am in a haiku mood, but nothing has emerged worth sending along (I've decided not to send my junk poetry, which means you may not get ANY... since most of my output is junque to my mind.) Anyway, I am writing lots of junque ... poetry / prose / letters / BLOG / et al. and I am thinking of lots of things ... all thoughts are jumbled in my mind during this time frame.

It's 1520, 3:20 PM, and I am watching the tube again ... Tommy Lee Jones in 'The Missing'. You all know that I like TLJ. I am not in favor of his politics nor his ex-Harvard roommate, but he is one hell of an actor.

Clouds are hovering over the Rincons like reporters at an execution. Maybe a little precipitation is on our menu tonight. It has been really humid today, especially in the warehouse. Our forklift was down all day ... they had to replace the water pump ... so we did a lot of manual labor. With all the bending, stooping and dragging of pallets and product .. my knee, and indeed my entire lower right leg, is in pain. I've showered and applied
Deep Heat to the affected areas. I am having a few Shiner Bocks, so I am foregoing the pain pills for now.

Dinner is still in the planning stage, that's one good thing about living alone. I may cook something from my supplies or I may go pick up something. There's some leftovers in the fridge ... some BBQ, and some calabasitas that I made yesterday. But the day is young right now.

...............Instant Haiku .....
Alone, not lonely
my own space is important
to me anyway
westerns are real life
characters in black and white
sometimes seen as gray
work used to be work
now, it's more like a life choice
it brings fullfillment
soft thunder rumbles,
the promise of desert rain
is sometimes a lie

These are not 'good' but they happened just now, so I had to release them. Haiku ... indeed, all writing, is like that. When it happens, it happens .. and must be released. Quality is a judgement that is colored by each person's emotional / intellectual / and enviromental state or upbringing. So there ... they're here and they're mine I guess.

More tomorrow ... Tommy Lee is getting down and dirty with the Indians. Git 'em Tommy Lee !

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