15 June 2006

It is Sunday, "Father's Day" and I hope that all the fathers out there have a great day.

I am relaxing today. It is now 0600 hours and I am up. Slept in, but then I have only been sleeping 6 hours a night of late because of my work schedule. Hilda and I spent yesterday at my place. I had to work until about 1130 and then we came here. I did a few chores, we watched the Golden Child with Eddie Murphy, went to the jacuzzi and the pool, etc.

I have to wash clothes, clean house, et al today, but it'll be nice spending the time at the apartment and in the pool.

Today is the 64th birthday of Paul "the baby Beatle" McCartney. So, that means that I am not old... I'm 3-4 years younger than Paul.

I am hoping to get a few pictures posted here on the blog this week. I am going through some recent photos today and will glean out a few.

I am picking up my grandson Devin Thomas on Tuesday after work. He will spend a couple of weeks with me here in Tucson.

As I sit here today, contemplating Paul McCartney's 64th and my age of 60 1/2 .... I am thinking of all the wrong things that I have done in my life, all the stupid things, all the good things, and all of the intelligent things. There have been many of each, as there are in anyone's existence. I often wish that I could take back those wrong things and those stupid things ...... but, it would probably change the course of my life so drastically that I would be unrecognizable at 60 from what I am today. And who is to say that I would be a better person or happier or wealthier? And, to be honest, there were people who treated me pretty badly, with no regard for any feelings that I may have had. We have to play the cards that we have in front of us and not dwell on past hands or games I guess. I have regrets about some people, who were good people, that I treated badly or to whom I was uncaring because of being self-centered in my own route through this life.

I have had a lot of fun, a lot of misery and I have done a lot of things that the average 9 to 5-er has never had the time or gonads to attempt. I do not think that I am a bad person, although there are periods of my life when I probably was. I am a good friend, I was a good father and I attempted to be a good husband. I bent over backwards at times like a circus acrobat. "Quantum mutattus ab illo" ..how changed he is from what he once was. I have a lot of work skills and I am a good employee. The people that I am working for, AC Neilson Market Research, think that I am remarkable. But ... too soon old and too late smart I 'rekon.

Anyway ...those are my thoughts for this Father's Day. Again, I hope that all the fathers out there had a great day.

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