04 July 2006


Well, it is Independance Day 2006. I am preparing to go to Hilda's house for a while. I took my nieto Devin (the 10 year old) home to Benson yesterday. My 15 year old, Abel is still here but going to his Dad's again tomorrow. Then I shall return to my solitary existence ... that'll be nice.

I hope everyone is enjoying (did enjoy) the 4TH. I am back to work at 0430 maňana. We went to Mt Lemmon Sunday and it was nice. Very cool (about 20 degrees cooler than the desert floor) and it rained afew times. It smelled really nice and there were cool breezes through the evergreens. We went into Summerhaven ... that's the town at the top of the Catalinas. They are still in the process of building / rebuilding Summerhaven after it was destroyed in the fires that you guys saw all over the news the other year. It will take years for the forests to return to their magnificence. Below are some picturesof the rebuilding and some of the forests that are still skeletons in areas.

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