26 March 2007


Finally, ..... a short Monday at work (less than 9 hours). I got home at 1615, pretty early I'd say.

I've been trying to do a little bit of personal writing this past weekend, and will attempt to continue during the week. I write here of course, but most of my east coast friends don't read the BLOG. They want me to write to them, even though they do not often write back.

Oh, the soul of one who needs to write
it is in constant turmoil I know
you wish that your words were read
but that is not the reason they exist
they pour out of your fingers
because you cannot keep them inside
the keyboard is easier than the pen
and so, your few words become many
you write what you know,
or what you suspect
or merely .. what you think
at times you write well
and at times, poorly .. or worse
persons who live alone
seem to write more often
it is like having a conversation
better than talking to yourself
but that's what you're doing
it is not a conversation
it is a monologue
screaming at the walls really
cheaper than a shrink
but not often as rewarding
cleansing is a process
that words never help
or in my case they don't
but still I type
(do people still say type?)
typing class is now 'keyboard skills'
so ... "still I keyboard?"
doesn't have the same ring
but I digress
but, ... don't I always

Everything is nebulous in life. Yesterday's dreams are today's realities and tomorrow's memories. Fantasies are reality to some, and reality is fantasy to others. Belief patterns change with the slightest breeze and nothing is in vogue for long. The least travelled path becomes the interstate and the older highways become the least travelled paths. I stumble about, constantly searching, rarely discovering ... but believing in myself and in others. Others are searching also, but we find different truths and experience different realities.

Oh well, enough philosophy ... the oven is cranking away at my evening repast and I want to look in on the Food Channel.


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