06 October 2006

Old Age

I was thinking today ... rare occurance I know .... about [Dum-da-dum-dum] "Old Age". And after a few minutes (maybe only a few seconds) I understood .... I AM THERE !!!! When I was a young lad, how did I know that someone was "old" ? Well, .. let's see:

1) Balding .... check
2) Overweight around the middle .... check
3) Liver spots .... check
4) Not in tune with todays music / thoughts / fads / TV shows / fashions / movies .... check
5) Likes music, fashion and the mores of MORE than 20 years ago .... check
6) Remembers minute details from 30 years ago, but not what happened in the world in the last week .... check
7) Thinks that the music of HIS/HER days was HIGHLY superior to what KIDS listen to these days .... (BIG) check
8) Thinks that todays kids will be the downfall of civilized society as we know it .... damn straight
9) Walked to school 'back in the day' .... check (although not uphill in the snow both ways)
10) Was almost old enough to vote/drink when they owned their first automobile .... check
11) Has (had) worked .. ALL THEIR LIFE ...... check

So people, ..... I am officially an old fart. Dyed in the wool (as it were).

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