29 September 2006

Me Again

I have been heavily watching all the situations developing in the nearing elections. I have not witnessed this much mud being slogged around since the last swamp buggy race I attended. Both sides have politicians that are just that ... professional politicians. People who will do, say and promise anything to acquire a job in our nation's capitol. I believe that NO senator or member of the house should be able to spend any more than two terms in-a-row in government. AND ... they should not have life time retirements. After they get out of office, they should get real jobs. And, they should have to be 'out' of office for two terms before they could run again. And all the ex-Presidents should not get paid forever and have office staff and secret service protection for life. If they are worried about someone who is wishing them harm, call 911 or the local police. They can make money by writing memoirs, giving speeches, et al. Politics should be "PUBLIC SERVICE" ... not a career! This country was run by small town citizen politicians for many years and should be run by real people again .. and forever. Perhaps that way, we'd all know what is going on in our congress. If you didn't have to get money from supporters on a "constant" basis, you'd have more time to take care of the business of government. If you were not worried about keeping your position forever [some of those guys have been there since I was in high school], you could try to make good laws and good judgement your "legacy". If you are an asshole, two terms is too much, and if you are really good at what you do ... perhaps you will make another future politician attempt to follow in your footsteps. As Ronald Reagan once said, "... I hear that politics is the second oldest profession. I think it bears too much of a resemblance to the 1st ..".

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